Marketing Tool Documents
Employer Solicitation (Word Doc)
Sponsor Prospectus (PDF)
Sponsor Solicitation (Word Doc)
Promotion Checklist (Word Doc)
Minnesota Cares Poster (PDF)
Volunteer Form (PDF)
Social Media
Social Media Toolkit (Word Doc)
- Facebook: mncares
- Instagram: mncares.wellness
- LinkedIn: Minnesota-Cares-Workshop
- Twitter: MNCares.Wellness
- Hashtags:
Social Media Graphics
(Clicking on an image will open it up in your browser window—’save as’ or drag to your desktop)
Documents for Attendees
2023 Workshop Agenda Overview (PDF)
Session Descriptions (PDF)
Registration Form 2023 (PDF)
Event Logo
(Clicking on the logo opens it up at full size in your browser window. Then right/option click to ‘save as’, or drag to your desktop to save it on your computer)
©2022 Statewide Healthcare Coordination Center (SHCC) Behavioral Health Staff Wellness Branch